3.4.1. Access to library and header files

At this point, it is assumed that the installation of ARKODE, following the procedure described in §15, has been completed successfully.

Regardless of where the user’s application program resides, its associated compilation and load commands must make reference to the appropriate locations for the library and header files required by ARKODE. The relevant library files are

  • libdir/libsundials_arkode.lib,

  • libdir/libsundials_nvec*.lib,

where the file extension .lib is typically .so for shared libraries and .a for static libraries. The relevant header files are located in the subdirectories

  • incdir/include/arkode

  • incdir/include/sundials

  • incdir/include/nvector

  • incdir/include/sunmatrix

  • incdir/include/sunlinsol

  • incdir/include/sunnonlinsol

The directories libdir and incdir are the installation library and include directories, respectively. For a default installation, these are instdir/lib and instdir/include, respectively, where instdir is the directory where SUNDIALS was installed (see §15 for further details).

When using ARKODE, the calling program must include several header files so that various macros and data types can be used. One of the following header files is always required:

  • arkode/arkode_arkstep.h, the main header file for the ARKStep time-stepping module.

  • arkode/arkode_erkstep.h, the main header file for the ERKStep time-stepping module.

  • arkode/arkode_mristep.h, the main header file for the MRIStep time-stepping module.

Each of these define several types and various constants, include function prototypes, and include the shared arkode/arkode.h and arkode/arkode_ls.h header files.

Note that arkode.h includes sundials_types.h directly, which defines the types realtype, sunindextype, and booleantype and the constants SUNFALSE and SUNTRUE, so a user program does not need to include sundials_types.h directly.

Additionally, the calling program must also include an NVECTOR implementation header file, of the form nvector/nvector_***.h, corresponding to the user’s preferred data layout and form of parallelism. See §9 for details for the appropriate name. This file in turn includes the header file sundials_nvector.h which defines the abstract N_Vector data type.

If the user wishes to manually select between any of the pre-defined ERK or DIRK Butcher tables (for ARKStep, ERKStep, or as the basis for an MIS method), these are defined through a set of constants that are enumerated in the header files arkode/arkode_butcher_erk.h and arkode/arkode_butcher_dirk.h, or if a user wishes to manually specify one or more Butcher tables, the corresponding ARKodeButcherTable structure is defined in arkode/arkode_butcher.h. Alternatively, for MRIStep, slow-to-fast coupling coefficient tables are enumerated in the header file arkode/arkode_mristp.h, or if a user wishes to manually specify a coupling table, the corresponding MRIStepCouplingMem structure is defined in arkode/arkode_mristep.h.

If the user includes a non-trivial implicit component to their ODE system in ARKStep, or if the slow time scale for MRIStep should be treated implicitly, then each implicit stage will require a nonlinear solver for the resulting system of algebraic equations – the default for this is a modified or inexact Newton iteration, depending on the user’s choice of linear solver. If using a non-default nonlinear solver module, or when interacting with a SUNNONLINSOL module directly, the calling program must also include a SUNNONLINSOL header file, of the form sunnonlinsol/sunnonlinsol_***.h where *** is the name of the nonlinear solver module (see §12 for more information). This file in turn includes the header file sundials_nonlinearsolver.h which defines the abstract SUNNonlinearSolver data type.

If using a nonlinear solver that requires the solution of a linear system of the form \(\mathcal{A}x=b\) (e.g., the default Newton iteration), then a linear solver module header file will also be required. Similarly, if the ODE system in ARKStep involves a non-identity mass matrix \(M \ne I\), then each time step will require a linear solver for systems of the form \(Mx=b\). The header files corresponding to the SUNDIALS-provided linear solver modules available for use with ARKODE are:

  • Direct linear solvers:

    • sunlinsol/sunlinsol_dense.h, which is used with the dense linear solver module, SUNLINSOL_DENSE;

    • sunlinsol/sunlinsol_band.h, which is used with the banded linear solver module, SUNLINSOL_BAND;

    • sunlinsol/sunlinsol_lapackdense.h, which is used with the LAPACK dense linear solver module, SUNLINSOL_LAPACKDENSE;

    • sunlinsol/sunlinsol_lapackband.h, which is used with the LAPACK banded linear solver module, SUNLINSOL_LAPACKBAND;

    • sunlinsol/sunlinsol_klu.h, which is used with the KLU sparse linear solver module, SUNLINSOL_KLU;

    • sunlinsol/sunlinsol_superlumt.h, which is used with the SuperLU_MT sparse linear solver module, SUNLINSOL_SUPERLUMT;

    • sunlinsol/sunlinsol_superludist.h, which is used with the SuperLU_DIST parallel sparse linear solver module, SUNLINSOL_SUPERLUDIST;

    • sunlinsol/sunlinsol_cusolversp_batchqr.h, which is used with the batched sparse QR factorization method provided by the NVDIA cuSOLVER library, SUNLINSOL_CUSOLVERSP_BATCHQR;

  • Iterative linear solvers:

    • sunlinsol/sunlinsol_spgmr.h, which is used with the scaled, preconditioned GMRES Krylov linear solver module, SUNLINSOL_SPGMR;

    • sunlinsol/sunlinsol_spfgmr.h, which is used with the scaled, preconditioned FGMRES Krylov linear solver module, SUNLINSOL_SPFGMR;

    • sunlinsol/sunlinsol_spbcgs.h, which is used with the scaled, preconditioned Bi-CGStab Krylov linear solver module, SUNLINSOL_SPBCGS;

    • sunlinsol/sunlinsol_sptfqmr.h, which is used with the scaled, preconditioned TFQMR Krylov linear solver module, SUNLINSOL_SPTFQMR;

    • sunlinsol/sunlinsol_pcg.h, which is used with the scaled, preconditioned CG Krylov linear solver module, SUNLINSOL_PCG;

The header files for the SUNLINSOL_DENSE and SUNLINSOL_LAPACKDENSE linear solver modules include the file sunmatrix/sunmatrix_dense.h, which defines the SUNMATRIX_DENSE matrix module, as well as various functions and macros for acting on such matrices.

The header files for the SUNLINSOL_BAND and SUNLINSOL_LAPACKBAND linear solver modules include the file sunmatrix/sunmatrix_band.h, which defines the SUNMATRIX_BAND matrix module, as well as various functions and macros for acting on such matrices.

The header files for the SUNLINSOL_KLU and SUNLINSOL_SUPERLUMT linear solver modules include the file sunmatrix/sunmatrix_sparse.h, which defines the SUNMATRIX_SPARSE matrix module, as well as various functions and macros for acting on such matrices.

The header file for the SUNLINSOL_CUSOLVERSP_BATCHQR linear solver module includes the file sunmatrix/sunmatrix_cusparse.h, which defines the SUNMATRIX_CUSPARSE matrix module, as well as various functions for acting on such matrices.

The header file for the SUNLINSOL_SUPERLUDIST linear solver module includes the file sunmatrix/sunmatrix_slunrloc.h, which defines the SUNMATRIX_SLUNRLOC matrix module, as well as various functions for acting on such matrices.

The header files for the Krylov iterative solvers include the file sundials/sundials_iterative.h, which enumerates the preconditioning type and (for the SPGMR and SPFGMR solvers) the choices for the Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization process.

Other headers may be needed, according to the choice of preconditioner, etc. For example, if preconditioning for an iterative linear solver were performed using the ARKBBDPRE module, the header arkode/arkode_bbdpre.h is needed to access the preconditioner initialization routines. Data Types

The header file sundials_types.h contains the definition of the types:

  • realtype – the floating-point type used by the SUNDIALS packages

  • sunindextype – the integer type used for vector and matrix indices

  • booleantype – the type used for logic operations within SUNDIALS

  • SUNOutputFormat – an enumerated type for SUNDIALS output formats Floating point types

type realtype

The type realtype can be float, double, or long double, with the default being double. The user can change the precision of the arithmetic used in the SUNDIALS solvers at the configuration stage (see SUNDIALS_PRECISION).

Additionally, based on the current precision, sundials_types.h defines BIG_REAL to be the largest value representable as a realtype, SMALL_REAL to be the smallest value representable as a realtype, and UNIT_ROUNDOFF to be the difference between \(1.0\) and the minimum realtype greater than \(1.0\).

Within SUNDIALS, real constants are set by way of a macro called RCONST. It is this macro that needs the ability to branch on the definition of realtype. In ANSI C, a floating-point constant with no suffix is stored as a double. Placing the suffix “F” at the end of a floating point constant makes it a float, whereas using the suffix “L” makes it a long double. For example,

#define A 1.0
#define B 1.0F
#define C 1.0L

defines A to be a double constant equal to \(1.0\), B to be a float constant equal to \(1.0\), and C to be a long double constant equal to \(1.0\). The macro call RCONST(1.0) automatically expands to 1.0 if realtype is double, to 1.0F if realtype is float, or to 1.0L if realtype is long double. SUNDIALS uses the RCONST macro internally to declare all of its floating-point constants.

Additionally, SUNDIALS defines several macros for common mathematical functions e.g., fabs, sqrt, exp, etc. in sundials_math.h. The macros are prefixed with SUNR and expand to the appropriate C function based on the realtype. For example, the macro SUNRabs expands to the C function fabs when realtype is double, fabsf when realtype is float, and fabsl when realtype is long double.

A user program which uses the type realtype, the RCONST macro, and the SUNR mathematical function macros is precision-independent except for any calls to precision-specific library functions. Our example programs use realtype, RCONST, and the SUNR macros. Users can, however, use the type double, float, or long double in their code (assuming that this usage is consistent with the typedef for realtype) and call the appropriate math library functions directly. Thus, a previously existing piece of C or C++ code can use SUNDIALS without modifying the code to use realtype, RCONST, or the SUNR macros so long as the SUNDIALS libraries are built to use the corresponding precision (see §15.1.2). Integer types used for indexing

type sunindextype

The type sunindextype is used for indexing array entries in SUNDIALS modules as well as for storing the total problem size (e.g., vector lengths and matrix sizes). During configuration sunindextype may be selected to be either a 32- or 64-bit signed integer with the default being 64-bit (see SUNDIALS_INDEX_SIZE).

When using a 32-bit integer the total problem size is limited to \(2^{31}-1\) and with 64-bit integers the limit is \(2^{63}-1\). For users with problem sizes that exceed the 64-bit limit an advanced configuration option is available to specify the type used for sunindextype (see SUNDIALS_INDEX_TYPE).

A user program which uses sunindextype to handle indices will work with both index storage types except for any calls to index storage-specific external libraries. Our C and C++ example programs use sunindextype. Users can, however, use any compatible type (e.g., int, long int, int32_t, int64_t, or long long int) in their code, assuming that this usage is consistent with the typedef for sunindextype on their architecture. Thus, a previously existing piece of C or C++ code can use SUNDIALS without modifying the code to use sunindextype, so long as the SUNDIALS libraries use the appropriate index storage type (for details see §15.1.2). Boolean type

type booleantype

As ANSI C89 (ISO C90) does not have a built-in boolean data type, SUNDIALS defines the type booleantype as an int.

The advantage of using the name booleantype (instead of int) is an increase in code readability. It also allows the programmer to make a distinction between int and boolean data. Variables of type booleantype are intended to have only the two values SUNFALSE (0) and SUNTRUE (1). Output formatting type

enum SUNOutputFormat

The enumerated type SUNOutputFormat defines the enumeration constants for SUNDIALS output formats


The output will be a table of values


The output will be a comma-separated list of key and value pairs e.g., key1,value1,key2,value2,...


The file scripts/sundials_csv.py provides python utility functions to read and output the data from a SUNDIALS CSV output file using the key and value pair format.