17.5. Testing

We include several types of tests in SUNDIALS: unit tests, integration test and performance tests. These tests are run via as part of our Continuous Integration suite.

Unit Tests

The unit tests reside in two places: test/unit_tests and in files named test_ within examples/. With few exceptions, SUNDIALS unit tests should return an exit code indicating if the test was successful or not. I.e., they should be self-contained and not require any output file to determine success or failure.

Integration Tests

The integration tests are dual purpose; they serve as tests and also examples for users. They are found in examples/. The integration tests produce output that is checked against an output file, i.e. an answer file, to determine if the test passed or failed. See Answers for details.

Performance Tests

These tests are benchmarks of SUNDIALS performance and are found in benchmarks/. Refer to Continuous Performance Testing for more detail.