16.6.2. Diffusion Benchmark

This benchmark problem implements a 2D diffusion equation using either MPI, MPI + CUDA, or MPI + HIP parallelism. Note a GPU-aware MPI implementation is required. Problem description

This code simulates the anisotropic 2D heat equation,

\[\frac{\partial u}{\partial t} = \nabla \cdot (D \nabla u) + b(t,\mathbf{x}),\]

where \(D\) is a diagonal matrix with entries \(k_x\) and \(k_y\). The system is evolved for \(t \in [0, t_f]\) on the rectangular domain \((x,y) \equiv \mathbf{x} \in [\mathbf{0}, \mathbf{x}_{\text{max}}]^2\), with the initial condition

\[u(0,\mathbf{x}) = \sin^2(\pi x) \sin^2(\pi y),\]

and stationary boundary conditions

\[\frac{\partial u}{\partial t}(t,0,y) = \frac{\partial u}{\partial t}(t,x_{\text{max}},y) = \frac{\partial u}{\partial t}(t,x,0) = \frac{\partial u}{\partial t}(t,x,y_{\text{max}}) = 0.\]

The source term is given by

\[\begin{split}b(t,\mathbf{x}) = & -2 \pi \sin^2(\pi x) \sin^2(\pi y) \sin(\pi t) \cos(\pi t) \\ & - k_x 2 \pi^2 (\cos^2(\pi x) - \sin^2(\pi x)) \sin^2(\pi y) \cos^2(\pi t) \\ & - k_y 2 \pi^2 (\cos^2(\pi y) - \sin^2(\pi y)) \sin^2(\pi x) \cos^2(\pi t).\end{split}\]

Under this setup, the problem has the analytical solution

\[u(t,\mathbf{x}) = \sin^2(\pi x) \sin^2(\pi y) \cos^2(\pi t).\]

Spatial derivatives are computed using second-order centered differences on a uniform spatial grid. The problem can be evolved in time with ARKODE, CVODE, or IDA. With ARKODE, an adaptive step diagonally implicit Runge-Kutta (DIRK) method is applied. When using CVODE or IDA, adaptive order and step BDF methods are used.

By default, the nonlinear system(s) in each time step are solved using an inexact Newton method paired with a matrix-free CG linear solver and a Jacobi preconditioner. A matrix-free GMRES linear solver may be selected at run time. If SUNDIALS is built with the SuperLU_DIST interface enabled a modified Newton method with SuperLU_DIST as the direct linear solver may also be selected at run time. Options

Several command line options are available to change the problem parameters as well as the integrator and solver options. A summary of the options are listed in Table 16.6.

Table 16.6 2D Diffusion Benchmark Command Line Options





Print the command line options and description

Problem Configuration Options

--npx <int>

Number of MPI tasks in the x-direction (0 forces MPI to decide)


--npy <int>

Number of MPI tasks in the y-direction (0 forces MPI to decide)


--nx <int>

Number of mesh points in the x-direction


--ny <int>

Number of mesh points in the y-direction


--xu <sunrealtype>

The domain upper bound in the x-direction (\(x_\text{max}\))


--yu <sunrealtype>

The domain upper bound in the y-direction \(y_\text{max}\)


--kx <sunrealtype>

Diffusion coefficient in the x-direction \(k_x\)


--ky <sunrealtype>

Diffusion coefficient in the y-direction \(k_y\)


--tf <sunrealtype>

The final time \(t_f\)



Disable the forcing term


Output Options

--output <int>

Output level: 0 no output, 1 output progress and stats, 2 write solution to disk


--nout <int>

Number of output times


Common Integrator and Solver Options

--rtol <sunrealtype>

Relative tolerance


--atol <sunrealtype>

Absolute tolerance


--maxsteps <int>

Max number of steps between outputs (0 uses the integrator default)


--onstep <int>

Number of steps to run using ONE_STEP mode for debugging (0 uses NORMAL mode)



Linear solver: cg, gmres, sludist


--liniters <int>

Number of linear iterations


--epslin <sunrealtype>

Linear solve tolerance factor (0 uses the integrator default)


--msbp <int>

The linear solver setup frequency (CVODE and ARKODE only, 0 uses the integrator default)


Additional ARKODE Options

--order <int>

Methods order


--controller <int>

Error controller option



Treat the problem as nonlinearly implicit

Linear Building

To build the benchmark executables SUNDIALS should be configured with ARKODE, CVODE, or IDA enabled, MPI support turned on, and benchmarks enabled. If SUNDIALS is configured with SuperLU_DIST enabled this linear solver can be selected at run time and may utilize OpenMP, CUDA, or ROCM (HIP) for on-node parallelism. If SUNDIALS is configured with CUDA or HIP support enabled additional executables utilizing CUDA and HIP will be built. See the SUNDIALS installation guide for more details on configuring, building, and installing. Running

Based on the configuration, executables for each integrator and backend option are built and installed in <BENCHMARKS_INSTALL_PATH>/diffusion_2D. The executables follow the naming convention `<package>_diffusion_2D_<parallelism> where <package> is arkode, cvode, or ida and <parallelism> is mpi for MPI only parallelism, mpicuda for MPI + CUDA, and mpihip for MPI + HIP.


When using the SuperLU_DIST linear solver computations will be offloaded to the GPU in the MPI only executables if CUDA or ROCM support is enabled in SuperLU_DIST.

On Summit, with the default environment

  • Compiler: xl/16.1.1-5

  • MPI: spectrum-mpi/

  • CUDA: cuda/10.1.243

an example jsrun command using CUDA-aware MPI is

jsrun --smpiargs="-gpu" -n 2 -a 1 -c 1 -g 1 ./cvode_diffusion_2D_mpicuda

On Lassen, with the environment

  • Compiler: gcc/8.3.1

  • MPI: mvapich2/2021.05.28-cuda-11.1.1

  • CUDA: cuda/11.1.1

an example jsrun command using CUDA-aware MPI

jsrun -n 2 -a 1 -c 1 -g 1 ./cvode_diffusion_2D_mpicuda

On Crusher, with the environment

  • Compiler: clang/14.0.2

  • MPI: cray-mpich/8.1.17

  • ROCM: rocm/5.2.0

an example srun command is

srun -N1 -n8 -c1 --gpus-per-node=8 --gpu-bind=closest ./cvode_diffusion_2D_mpi