16.5.3. Testing Locally Using SUNDIALS CI Docker Containers

It is possible to use the SUNDIALS CI containers available at https://github.com/orgs/LLNL/packages?ecosystem=container for testing locally. This will allow you to get as close as possible to running tests in the CI environment on your own machine.

If you have Docker or Podman installed on your machine already, than the easiest way to use the containers is via the CMake targets setup_local_ci and test_local_ci, for example:

$ cd builddir
$ make setup_local_ci
$ make test_local_ci

The setup_local_ci target will pull the container for the configured SUNDIALS_PRECISION and SUNDIALS_INDEX_SIZE. Then the test_local_ci target will run the full test suite in the container.

Alternatively, if you want to work with Docker directly, you can pull the image(s) and then run the test suite manually. The run command will pull the image and start the container:

docker run -t -d --name sundialsci-int32-double-latest --cap-add SYS_PTRACE -v "/path/to/your/sundials/development/repo":/sundials ghcr.io/llnl/sundials-ci-int32-double:latest

The exec command can then be used to execute the test script:

docker exec -w /sundials/test sundialsci-int32-double-latest ./test_driver.sh --testtype CUSTOM --env env/docker.sh --tpls --sunrealtype double --indexsize 32

Alternatively, you can drop into a bash shell inside the container to run specific examples:

docker exec -it sundialsci-int32-double-latest bash

On Macs, it is recommended to use Podman (and then the same steps above apply using podman instead of docker). Podman is useful on Linux too, as it can run rootless easily.


Its possible that the difference in your local machine architecture, and the one used to build the docker container(s), results in different answers and failing tests. You can provide the path to your own directory with answer files by setting the environment variable SUNDIALS_TEST_ANSWER_DIR with the path, and adding the argument -e SUNDIALS_TEST_ANSWER_DIR to the docker run command above.