6.4.4. Using IDAS for Forward Sensitivity Analysis

This chapter describes the use of IDAS to compute solution sensitivities using forward sensitivity analysis. One of our main guiding principles was to design the IDAS user interface for forward sensitivity analysis as an extension of that for IVP integration. Assuming a user main program and user-defined support routines for IVP integration have already been defined, in order to perform forward sensitivity analysis the user only has to insert a few more calls into the main program and (optionally) define an additional routine which computes the residual of the sensitivity systems (6.11). The only departure from this philosophy is due to the IDAResFn type definition. Without changing the definition of this type, the only way to pass values of the problem parameters to the ODE residual function is to require the user data structure f_data to contain a pointer to the array of real parameters \(p\).

IDAS uses various constants for both input and output. These are defined as needed in this chapter, but for convenience are also listed separately in §6.5.

We begin with a brief overview, in the form of a skeleton user program. Following that are detailed descriptions of the interface to the various user-callable routines and of the user-supplied routines that were not already described in §6.4.1 or §6.4.2. A skeleton of the user’s main program

The following is a skeleton of the user’s main program (or calling program) as an application of IDAS. The user program is to have these steps in the order indicated, unless otherwise noted. For the sake of brevity, we defer many of the details to the later sections. As in §, most steps are independent of the N_Vector, SUNMatrix, SUNLinearSolver, and SUNNonlinearSolver implementations used. For the steps that are not, refer to Chapters §8, §9, §10, §11 for the specific name of the function to be called or macro to be referenced.

First, note that no additional header files need be included for forward sensitivity analysis beyond those for IVP solution §

Steps that are unchanged from the user main program skeleton in § are grayed out and new or modified steps are in bold.

  1. Initialize parallel or multi-threaded environment

  2. Create the SUNDIALS context object

  3. Set the vector of initial values

  4. Create matrix object

  5. Create linear solver object

  6. Create nonlinear solver object

  7. Create IDAS object

  8. Initialize IDAS solver

  9. Specify integration tolerances

  10. Attach linear solver

  11. Set linear solver optional inputs

  12. Attach nonlinear solver

  13. Set nonlinear solver optional inputs

  14. Initialize quadrature integration

    If the quadrature is not sensitivity-dependent, initialize the quadrature integration as described in §6.4.2. For integrating a problem where the quadrature depends on the forward sensitivities see §

  15. Set the sensitivity initial values

    Call N_VCloneVectorArray() to create N_Vector arrays yS0 and ypS0 to hold the initial values for the sensitivity vectors of \(y\) and sensitivity derivative vectors of \(\dot{y}\), respectively.

    yS0  = N_VCloneVectorArray(Ns, y0);
    ypS0 = N_VCloneVectorArray(Ns, y0);

    where Ns is the number of parameters with respect to which sensitivities are to be computed and y0 serves only to provide an N_Vector template for cloning.

    Then, load initial values for each sensitivity vector yS0[i] and sensitivity derivative vector ypS0[i] for i = 0,...,N_s-1.

  16. Activate sensitivity calculations

    Call IDASensInit() to activate forward sensitivity computations and allocate internal memory for IDAS related to sensitivity calculations.

    If a sensitivity residual function is not provided to IDASensInit(), then IDASetSensParams() must be called after IDASensInit() and before IDASolve() to provide the array of problem parameters with respect to which the sensitivities are computed. This array must also be attached to the “user data” pointer set with IDASetUserData(). Optionally, an array of scaling factors for difference-quotient residual computations and a mask array to select which parameters with respect to which the sensitivities are computed may also be provided to IDASetSensParams().

  17. Set sensitivity integration tolerances (optional)

    Call IDASensSStolerances() or IDASensSVtolerances() to set the sensitivity integration tolerances or IDASensEEtolerances() to have IDAS estimate tolerances for sensitivity variables based on the tolerances supplied for states variables.

    If sensitivity tolerances are estimated by IDAS, the results will be more accurate if order of magnitude is provided by setting the pbar input to IDASetSensParams().

  18. Create sensitivity nonlinear solver

    If using a non-default nonlinear solver (see §, then create the desired nonlinear solver object by calling the appropriate constructor function defined by the particular SUNNonlinearSolver implementation e.g.,

    NLSSens = SUNNonlinSol_***Sens(...);

    for the IDA_SIMULTANEOUS or IDA_STAGGERED options *** is the name of the nonlinear solver and ... are constructor specific arguments (see §11 for details).

  19. Attach the sensitivity nonlinear solver

    If using a non-default nonlinear solver, then initialize the nonlinear solver interface by attaching the nonlinear solver object by calling IDASetNonlinearSolverSensSim() when using the IDA_SIMULTANEOUS corrector method, IDASetNonlinearSolverSensStg() when using the IDA_STAGGERED corrector method (see § for details).

  20. Set sensitivity nonlinear solver optional inputs

    Call the appropriate set functions for the selected nonlinear solver module to change optional inputs specific to that nonlinear solver. These must be called after IDASensInit() if using the default nonlinear solver or after attaching a new nonlinear solver to IDAS, otherwise the optional inputs will be overridden by IDAS defaults. See §11 for more information on optional inputs.

  21. Specify rootfinding problem

  22. Set optional inputs

    Call IDASetSens* routines to change from their default values any optional inputs that control the behavior of IDAS in computing forward sensitivities. See § for details.

  23. Correct initial values

  24. Advance solution in time

  25. Extract sensitivity solution

    After each successful return from IDASolve(), the solution of the original IVP is available in the y argument of IDASolve(), while the sensitivity solution can be extracted into yS and ypS (which can be the same as yS0 and ypS0) by calling one of the routines IDAGetSens(), IDAGetSens1(), IDAGetSensDky(), or IDAGetSensDky1().

  26. Get optional outputs

  27. Deallocate memory

    Upon completion of the integration, deallocate memory for the vectors yS0 and yps0 using N_VDestroyVectorArray().

  28. Finalize MPI, if used User-callable routines for forward sensitivity analysis

This section describes the IDAS functions, in addition to those presented in §, that are called by the user to setup and solve a forward sensitivity problem. Forward sensitivity initialization and deallocation functions

Activation of forward sensitivity computation is done by calling IDASensInit(). The form of the call is as follows:

int IDASensInit(void *ida_mem, int Ns, int ism, IDASensResFn fS, N_Vector *yS0, N_Vector *ypS0)

The routine IDASensInit() activates forward sensitivity computations and allocates internal memory related to sensitivity calculations.

  • ida_mem – pointer to the IDAS memory block returned by IDACreate().

  • Ns – the number of sensitivities to be computed.

  • ism – forward sensitivity analysis!correction strategies a flag used to select the sensitivity solution method. Its value can be IDA_SIMULTANEOUS or IDA_STAGGERED :

    • In the IDA_SIMULTANEOUS approach, the state and sensitivity variables are corrected at the same time. If the default Newton nonlinear solver is used, this amounts to performing a modified Newton iteration on the combined nonlinear system.

    • In the IDA_STAGGERED approach, the correction step for the sensitivity variables takes place at the same time for all sensitivity equations, but only after the correction of the state variables has converged and the state variables have passed the local error test.

  • resS – is the C function which computes all sensitivity ODE residuals at the same time. For full details see IDASensResFn.

  • yS0 – a pointer to an array of Ns vectors containing the initial values of the sensitivities of \(y\).

  • ypS0 – a pointer to an array of Ns vectors containing the initial values of the sensitivities of \(\dot{y}\).

Return value:
  • IDA_SUCCESS – The call to IDASensInit() was successful.

  • IDA_MEM_NULL – The IDAS memory block was not initialized through a previous call to IDACreate().

  • IDA_MEM_FAIL – A memory allocation request has failed.

  • IDA_ILL_INPUT – An input argument to IDASensInit() has an illegal value.


Passing fs == NULL indicates using the default internal difference quotient sensitivity residual routine and IDASetSensParams() must be called before IDASolve().

If an error occurred, IDASensInit() also sends an error message to the error handler function.

In terms of the problem size \(N\), number of sensitivity vectors \(N_s\), and maximum method order maxord, the size of the real workspace is increased as follows:

  • Base value: \(\texttt{lenrw} = \texttt{lenrw} + (\texttt{maxord}+5)N_s N\)

  • With IDASensSVtolerances(): \(texttt{lenrw} = \texttt{lenrw} + N_s N\)

the size of the integer workspace is increased as follows:

  • Base value: \(\texttt{leniw} = \texttt{leniw} + (\texttt{maxord}+5)N_s N_i\)

  • With IDASensSVtolerances(): \(\texttt{leniw} = \texttt{leniw} + N_s N_i\)

where \(N_i\) is the number of integers in one N_Vector.

The routine IDASensReInit(), useful during the solution of a sequence of problems of same size, reinitializes the sensitivity-related internal memory. The call to it must follow a call to IDASensInit() (and maybe a call to IDAReInit()). The number Ns of sensitivities is assumed to be unchanged since the call to the initialization function. The call to the IDASensReInit() function has the form:

int IDASensReInit(void *ida_mem, int ism, N_Vector *yS0, N_Vector *ypS0)

The routine IDASensReInit() reinitializes forward sensitivity computations.

  • ida_mem – pointer to the IDAS memory block returned by IDACreate().

  • ism – forward sensitivity analysis!correction strategies a flag used to select the sensitivity solution method. Its value can be IDA_SIMULTANEOUS , IDA_STAGGERED , or IDA_STAGGERED1.

  • yS0 – a pointer to an array of Ns variables of type N_Vector containing the initial values of the sensitivities.

  • ypS0 – a pointer to an array of Ns variables of type N_Vector containing the initial values of the sensitivities of \(\dot{y}\).

Return value:
  • IDA_SUCCESS – The call to IDASensReInit() was successful.

  • IDA_MEM_NULL – The IDAS memory block was not initialized through a previous call to IDACreate().

  • IDA_NO_SENS – Memory space for sensitivity integration was not allocated through a previous call to IDASensInit().

  • IDA_ILL_INPUT – An input argument to IDASensReInit() has an illegal value.

  • IDA_MEM_FAIL – A memory allocation request has failed.


All arguments of IDASensReInit() are the same as those of the functions IDASensInit(). If an error occurred, IDASensReInit() also sends a message to the error handler function.

To deallocate all forward sensitivity-related memory (allocated in a prior call to IDASensInit()), the user must call

void IDASensFree(void *ida_mem)

The function IDASensFree() frees the memory allocated for forward sensitivity computations by a previous call to IDASensInit().

  • ida_mem – pointer to the IDAS memory block returned by IDACreate().

Return value:
  • The function has no return value.


In general, IDASensFree() need not be called by the user, as it is invoked automatically by IDAFree().

After a call to IDASensFree(), forward sensitivity computations can be reactivated only by calling IDASensInit().

To activate and deactivate forward sensitivity calculations for successive IDAS runs, without having to allocate and deallocate memory, the following function is provided:

int IDASensToggleOff(void *ida_mem)

The function IDASensToggleOff() deactivates forward sensitivity calculations. It does not deallocate sensitivity-related memory.

  • ida_mem – pointer to the memory previously returned by IDACreate().

Return value:

Since sensitivity-related memory is not deallocated, sensitivities can be reactivated at a later time (using IDASensReInit()). Forward sensitivity tolerance specification functions

One of the following three functions must be called to specify the integration tolerances for sensitivities. Note that this call must be made after the call to IDASensInit().

int IDASensSStolerances(void *ida_mem, sunrealtype reltolS, sunrealtype *abstolS)

The function IDASensSStolerances() specifies scalar relative and absolute tolerances.

  • ida_mem – pointer to the IDAS memory block returned by IDACreate().

  • reltolS – is the scalar relative error tolerance.

  • abstolS – is a pointer to an array of length Ns containing the scalar absolute error tolerances, one for each parameter.

Return value:
  • IDA_SUCCESS – The call to IDASStolerances() was successful.

  • IDA_MEM_NULL – The IDAS memory block was not initialized through a previous call to IDACreate().

  • IDA_NO_SENS – The sensitivity allocation function IDASensInit() has not been called.

  • IDA_ILL_INPUT – One of the input tolerances was negative.

int IDASensSVtolerances(void *ida_mem, sunrealtype reltolS, N_Vector *abstolS)

The function IDASensSVtolerances() specifies scalar relative tolerance and vector absolute tolerances.

  • ida_mem – pointer to the IDAS memory block returned by IDACreate().

  • reltolS – is the scalar relative error tolerance.

  • abstolS – is an array of Ns variables of type N_Vector. The N_Vector from abstolS[is] specifies the vector tolerances for is -th sensitivity.

Return value:
  • IDA_SUCCESS – The call to IDASVtolerances() was successful.

  • IDA_MEM_NULL – The IDAS memory block was not initialized through a previous call to IDACreate().

  • IDA_NO_SENS – The allocation function for sensitivities has not been called.

  • IDA_ILL_INPUT – The relative error tolerance was negative or an absolute tolerance vector had a negative component.


This choice of tolerances is important when the absolute error tolerance needs to be different for each component of any vector yS[i].

int IDASensEEtolerances(void *ida_mem)

When IDASensEEtolerances() is called, IDAS will estimate tolerances for sensitivity variables based on the tolerances supplied for states variables and the scaling factors \(\bar p\).

  • ida_mem – pointer to the IDAS memory block returned by IDACreate().

Return value:
  • IDA_SUCCESS – The call to IDASensEEtolerances() was successful.

  • IDA_MEM_NULL – The IDAS memory block was not initialized through a previous call to IDACreate().

  • IDA_NO_SENS – The sensitivity allocation function has not been called. Forward sensitivity nonlinear solver interface functions

As in the pure DAE case, when computing solution sensitivities using forward sensitivitiy analysis IDAS uses the SUNNonlinearSolver implementation of Newton’s method defined by the SUNNONLINSOL_NEWTON module (see §11.7) by default. To specify a different nonlinear solver in IDAS, the user’s program must create a SUNNonlinearSolver object by calling the appropriate constructor routine. The user must then attach the SUNNonlinearSolver object to IDAS by calling IDASetNonlinearSolverSensSim() when using the IDA_SIMULTANEOUS corrector option, or IDASetNonlinearSolver() and IDASetNonlinearSolverSensStg() when using the IDA_STAGGERED corrector option as documented below.

When changing the nonlinear solver in IDAS, IDASetNonlinearSolver() must be called after IDAInit(); similarly IDASetNonlinearSolverSensSim(), IDASetNonlinearSolverSensStg(), must be called after IDASensInit(). If any calls to IDASolve() have been made, then IDAS will need to be reinitialized by calling IDAReInit() to ensure that the nonlinear solver is initialized correctly before any subsequent calls to IDASolve().

The first argument passed to the routines IDASetNonlinearSolverSensSim(), and IDASetNonlinearSolverSensStg(), is the IDAS memory pointer returned by IDACreate() and the second argument is the SUNNonlinearSolver object to use for solving the nonlinear systems (6.4). A call to this function attaches the nonlinear solver to the main IDAS integrator.

int IDASetNonlinearSolverSensSim(void *ida_mem, SUNNonlinearSolver NLS)

The function IDASetNonlinearSolverSensSim() attaches a SUNNonlinearSolver object (NLS) to IDAS when using the IDA_SIMULTANEOUS approach to correct the state and sensitivity variables at the same time.

  • ida_mem – pointer to the IDAS memory block.

  • NLSSUNNonlinearSolver object to use for solving nonlinear system (6.4).

Return value:
  • IDA_SUCCESS – The nonlinear solver was successfully attached.

  • IDA_MEM_NULL – The ida_mem pointer is NULL.

  • IDA_ILL_INPUT – The SUNNONLINSOL object is NULL , does not implement the required nonlinear solver operations, is not of the correct type, or the residual function, convergence test function, or maximum number of nonlinear iterations could not be set.

int IDASetNonlinearSolverSensStg(void *ida_mem, SUNNonlinearSolver NLS)

The function IDASetNonlinearSolverSensStg() attaches a SUNNonlinearSolver object (NLS) to IDAS when using the IDA_STAGGERED approach to correct all the sensitivity variables after the correction of the state variables.

  • ida_mem – pointer to the IDAS memory block.

  • NLS – SUNNONLINSOL object to use for solving nonlinear systems.

Return value:
  • IDA_SUCCESS – The nonlinear solver was successfully attached.

  • IDA_MEM_NULL – The ida_mem pointer is NULL.

  • IDA_ILL_INPUT – The SUNNONLINSOL object is NULL , does not implement the required nonlinear solver operations, is not of the correct type, or the residual function, convergence test function, or maximum number of nonlinear iterations could not be set.


This function only attaches the SUNNonlinearSolver object for correcting the sensitivity variables. To attach a SUNNonlinearSolver object for the state variable correction use IDASetNonlinearSolver(). Forward sensitivity initial condition calculation function

IDACalcIC() also calculates corrected initial conditions for sensitivity variables of a DAE system. When used for initial conditions calculation of the forward sensitivities, IDACalcIC() must be preceded by successful calls to IDASensInit() (or IDASensReInit()) and should precede the call(s) to IDASolve(). For restrictions that apply for initial conditions calculation of the state variables, see §

Calling IDACalcIC() is optional. It is only necessary when the initial conditions do not satisfy the sensitivity systems. Even if forward sensitivity analysis was enabled, the call to the initial conditions calculation function IDACalcIC() is exactly the same as for state variables.

flag = IDACalcIC(ida_mem, icopt, tout1);

See IDACalcIC() for a list of possible return values. IDAS solver function

Even if forward sensitivity analysis was enabled, the call to the main solver function IDASolve() is exactly the same as in §6.4.1. However, in this case the return value flag can also be one of the following:

  • IDA_SRES_FAIL – The sensitivity residual function failed in an unrecoverable manner.

  • IDA_REP_SRES_ERR – The user’s residual function repeatedly returned a recoverable error flag, but the solver was unable to recover. Forward sensitivity extraction functions

If forward sensitivity computations have been initialized by a call to IDASensInit(), or reinitialized by a call to IDASensReInit(), then IDAS computes both a solution and sensitivities at time t. However, IDASolve() will still return only the solution \(y\) in yout. Solution sensitivities can be obtained through one of the following functions:

int IDAGetSens(void *ida_mem, sunrealtype *tret, N_Vector *yS)

The function IDAGetSens() returns the sensitivity solution vectors after a successful return from IDASolve().

  • ida_mem – pointer to the memory previously allocated by IDAInit().

  • tret – the time reached by the solver output.

  • yS – array of computed forward sensitivity vectors. This vector array must be allocated by the user.

Return value:
  • IDA_SUCCESSIDAGetSens() was successful.

  • IDA_MEM_NULLida_mem was NULL.

  • IDA_NO_SENS – Forward sensitivity analysis was not initialized.



Note that the argument tret is an output for this function. Its value will be the same as that returned at the last IDASolve() call.

The function IDAGetSensDky() computes the k-th derivatives of the interpolating polynomials for the sensitivity variables at time t. This function is called by IDAGetSens() with k \(= 0\), but may also be called directly by the user.

int IDAGetSensDky(void *ida_mem, sunrealtype t, int k, N_Vector *dkyS)

The function IDAGetSensDky() returns derivatives of the sensitivity solution vectors after a successful return from IDASolve().

  • ida_mem – pointer to the memory previously allocated by IDAInit().

  • t – specifies the time at which sensitivity information is requested. The time t must fall within the interval defined by the last successful step taken by IDAS.

  • k – order of derivatives. k must be in the range \(0, 1, ..., klast\) where \(klast\) is the method order of the last successful step.

  • dkyS – array of Ns vectors containing the derivatives on output. The space for dkyS must be allocated by the user.

Return value:
  • IDA_SUCCESSIDAGetSensDky() succeeded.

  • IDA_MEM_NULLida_mem was NULL.

  • IDA_NO_SENS – Forward sensitivity analysis was not initialized.

  • IDA_BAD_DKY – One of the vectors dkyS[i] is NULL.

  • IDA_BAD_Kk is not in the range \(0, 1, ...,\) qlast.

  • IDA_BAD_T – The time t is not in the allowed range.

Forward sensitivity solution vectors can also be extracted separately for each parameter in turn through the functions IDAGetSens1() and IDAGetSensDky1(), defined as follows:

int IDAGetSens1(void *ida_mem, sunrealtype *tret, int is, N_Vector yS)

The function IDAGetSens1 returns the is-th sensitivity solution vector after a successful return from IDASolve().

  • ida_mem – pointer to the memory previously allocated by IDAInit().

  • tret – the time reached by the solver output.

  • is – specifies which sensitivity vector is to be returned \(0\le\) is \(< N_s\).

  • yS – the computed forward sensitivity vector. This vector array must be allocated by the user.

Return value:
  • IDA_SUCCESSIDAGetSens1 was successful.

  • IDA_MEM_NULLida_mem was NULL.

  • IDA_NO_SENS – Forward sensitivity analysis was not initialized.

  • IDA_BAD_IS – The index is is not in the allowed range.


  • IDA_BAD_T – The time t is not in the allowed range.


Note that the argument tret is an output for this function. Its value will be the same as that returned at the last IDASolve() call.

int IDAGetSensDky1(void *ida_mem, sunrealtype t, int k, int is, N_Vector dkyS)

The function IDAGetSensDky1 returns the k-th derivative of the is-th sensitivity solution vector after a successful return from IDASolve().

  • ida_mem – pointer to the memory previously allocated by IDAInit().

  • t – specifies the time at which sensitivity information is requested. The time t must fall within the interval defined by the last successful step taken by IDAS.

  • k – order of derivative.

  • is – specifies the sensitivity derivative vector to be returned \(0\le\) is \(< N_s\).

  • dkyS – the vector containing the derivative. The space for dkyS must be allocated by the user.

Return value:
  • IDA_SUCCESSIDAGetQuadDky1 succeeded.

  • IDA_MEM_NULL – The pointer to ida_mem was NULL.

  • IDA_NO_SENS – Forward sensitivity analysis was not initialized.

  • IDA_BAD_DKYdkyS or one of the vectors dkyS[i] is NULL.

  • IDA_BAD_IS – The index is is not in the allowed range.

  • IDA_BAD_Kk is not in the range \(0, 1, ...,\) qlast.

  • IDA_BAD_T – The time t is not in the allowed range. Optional inputs for forward sensitivity analysis

Optional input variables that control the computation of sensitivities can be changed from their default values through calls to IDASetSens* functions. Table 6.8 lists all forward sensitivity optional input functions in IDAS which are described in detail in the remainder of this section.

We note that, on an error return, all of the optional input functions send an error message to the error handler function. All error return values are negative, so the test flag < 0 will catch all errors. Finally, a call to a IDASetSens*** function can be made from the user’s calling program at any time and, if successful, takes effect immediately.

Table 6.8 Forward sensitivity optional inputs :align: center

Optional input

Routine name


Sensitivity scaling factors



DQ approximation method



Error control strategy



Maximum no. of nonlinear iterations



int IDASetSensParams(void *ida_mem, sunrealtype *p, sunrealtype *pbar, int *plist)

The function IDASetSensParams() specifies problem parameter information for sensitivity calculations.

  • ida_mem – pointer to the IDAS memory block.

  • p – a pointer to the array of real problem parameters used to evaluate \(F(t,y,\dot{y},p)\). If non- NULL , p must point to a field in the user’s data structure user_data passed to the residual function.

  • pbar – an array of Ns positive scaling factors. If non- NULL , pbar must have all its components \(> 0.0\).

  • plist – an array of Ns non-negative indices to specify which components p[i] to use in estimating the sensitivity equations. If non- NULL , plist must have all components \(\ge 0\).

Return value:
  • IDA_SUCCESS – The optional value has been successfully set.

  • IDA_MEM_NULL – The ida_mem pointer is NULL.

  • IDA_NO_SENS – Forward sensitivity analysis was not initialized.

  • IDA_ILL_INPUT – An argument has an illegal value.


The array p only needs to include the parameters with respect to which sensitivities are (potentially) desired.

If the user provides a function to evaluate the sensitivity residuals, p need not be specified.

When computing the sensitivity residual via a difference-quotient or estimating sensitivity tolerances the results will be more accurate if order of magnitude information is provided with pbar. Typically, if p[0] != 0, the value pbar[i] = abs(p[plist[i]]) can be used. By default IDAS uses p[i] = 1.0.

If the user provides a function to evaluate the sensitivity residual and specifies tolerances for the sensitivity variables, pbar need not be specified.

By default IDA computes sensitivities with respect to the first Ns parameters in p i.e., plist[i] = i for i = 0,...,Ns-1. If sensitivities with respect to the \(j\)-th parameter p[j] are desired, set plist[i] = j for some \(0 \leq i < N_s\) and \(0 \leq j < N_p\) where \(N_p\) is the number of element in p.

If the user provides a function to evaluate the sensitivity residuals, plist need not be specified.


This function must be preceded by a call to IDASensInit().

The array p must also be attached to the user data structure. For example, user_data->p = p;.

int IDASetSensDQMethod(void *ida_mem, int DQtype, sunrealtype DQrhomax)

The function IDASetSensDQMethod() specifies the difference quotient strategy in the case in which the residual of the sensitivity equations are to be computed by IDAS.

  • ida_mem – pointer to the IDAS memory block.

  • DQtype – specifies the difference quotient type. Its value can be IDA_CENTERED or IDA_FORWARD.

  • DQrhomax – positive value of the selection parameter used in deciding switching between a simultaneous or separate approximation of the two terms in the sensitivity residual.

Return value:
  • IDA_SUCCESS – The optional value has been successfully set.

  • IDA_MEM_NULL – The ida_mem pointer is NULL.

  • IDA_ILL_INPUT – An argument has an illegal value.


If DQrhomax \(= 0.0\), then no switching is performed. The approximation is done simultaneously using either centered or forward finite differences, depending on the value of DQtype. For values of DQrhomax \(\ge 1.0\), the simultaneous approximation is used whenever the estimated finite difference perturbations for states and parameters are within a factor of DQrhomax, and the separate approximation is used otherwise. Note that a value DQrhomax \(<1.0\) will effectively disable switching. See §6.2.6 for more details.

The default value are DQtype == IDA_CENTERED and DQrhomax\(=0.0\).

int IDASetSensErrCon(void *ida_mem, sunbooleantype errconS)

The function IDASetSensErrCon() specifies the error control strategy for sensitivity variables.

  • ida_mem – pointer to the IDAS memory block.

  • errconS – specifies whether sensitivity variables are to be included SUNTRUE or not SUNFALSE in the error control mechanism.

Return value:
  • IDA_SUCCESS – The optional value has been successfully set.

  • IDA_MEM_NULL – The ida_mem pointer is NULL.


By default, errconS is set to SUNFALSE. If errconS = SUNTRUE then both state variables and sensitivity variables are included in the error tests. If errconS = SUNFALSE then the sensitivity variables are excluded from the error tests. Note that, in any event, all variables are considered in the convergence tests.

int IDASetSensMaxNonlinIters(void *ida_mem, int maxcorS)

The function IDASetSensMaxNonlinIters() specifies the maximum number of nonlinear solver iterations for sensitivity variables per step.

  • ida_mem – pointer to the IDAS memory block.

  • maxcorS – maximum number of nonlinear solver iterations allowed per step \(> 0\).

Return value:
  • IDA_SUCCESS – The optional value has been successfully set.

  • IDA_MEM_NULL – The ida_mem pointer is NULL.



The default value is 3. Optional outputs for forward sensitivity analysis

Optional output functions that return statistics and solver performance information related to forward sensitivity computations are listed in Table 6.9 and described in detail in the remainder of this section.

Table 6.9 Forward sensitivity optional outputs

Optional output

Routine name

No. of calls to sensitivity residual function


No. of calls to residual function for sensitivity


No. of sensitivity local error test failures


No. of failed steps due to sensitivity nonlinear solver failures


No. of calls to lin. solv. setup routine for sens.


Error weight vector for sensitivity variables


Sensitivity-related statistics as a group


No. of sens. nonlinear solver iterations


No. of sens. convergence failures


Sens. nonlinear solver statistics as a group


int IDAGetSensNumResEvals(void *ida_mem, long int *nfSevals)

The function IDAGetSensNumResEvals() returns the number of calls to the sensitivity residual function.

  • ida_mem – pointer to the IDAS memory block.

  • nfSevals – number of calls to the sensitivity residual function.

Return value:
  • IDA_SUCCESS – The optional output value has been successfully set.

  • IDA_MEM_NULL – The ida_mem pointer is NULL.

  • IDA_NO_SENS – Forward sensitivity analysis was not initialized.

int IDAGetNumResEvalsSens(void *ida_mem, long int *nfevalsS)

The function IDAGetNumResEvalsSens() returns the number of calls to the user’s residual function due to the internal finite difference approximation of the sensitivity residuals.

  • ida_mem – pointer to the IDAS memory block.

  • nfevalsS – number of calls to the user’s DAE residual function for the evaluation of sensitivity residuals.

Return value:
  • IDA_SUCCESS – The optional output value has been successfully set.

  • IDA_MEM_NULL – The ida_mem pointer is NULL.

  • IDA_NO_SENS – Forward sensitivity analysis was not initialized.


This counter is incremented only if the internal finite difference approximation routines are used for the evaluation of the sensitivity residuals.

int IDAGetSensNumErrTestFails(void *ida_mem, long int *nSetfails)

The function IDAGetSensNumErrTestFails() returns the number of local error test failures for the sensitivity variables that have occurred.

  • ida_mem – pointer to the IDAS memory block.

  • nSetfails – number of error test failures.

Return value:
  • IDA_SUCCESS – The optional output value has been successfully set.

  • IDA_MEM_NULL – The ida_mem pointer is NULL.

  • IDA_NO_SENS – Forward sensitivity analysis was not initialized.


This counter is incremented only if the sensitivity variables have been included in the error test (see IDASetSensErrCon()). Even in that case, this counter is not incremented if the ism = IDA_SIMULTANEOUS sensitivity solution method has been used.

int IDAGetNumStepSensSolveFails(void *ida_mem, long int *nSncfails)

Returns the number of failed steps due to a sensitivity nonlinear solver failure.

  • ida_mem – pointer to the IDAS memory block.

  • nSncfails – number of step failures.

Return value:
  • IDA_SUCCESS – The optional output value has been successfully set.

  • IDA_MEM_NULL – The ida_mem pointer is NULL.

  • IDA_NO_SENS – Forward sensitivity analysis was not initialized.

int IDAGetSensNumLinSolvSetups(void *ida_mem, long int *nlinsetupsS)

The function IDAGetSensNumLinSolvSetups() returns the number of calls to the linear solver setup function due to forward sensitivity calculations.

  • ida_mem – pointer to the IDAS memory block.

  • nlinsetupsS – number of calls to the linear solver setup function.

Return value:
  • IDA_SUCCESS – The optional output value has been successfully set.

  • IDA_MEM_NULL – The ida_mem pointer is NULL.

  • IDA_NO_SENS – Forward sensitivity analysis was not initialized.


This counter is incremented only if a nonlinear solver requiring a linear solve has been used and the ism = IDA_STAGGERED sensitivity solution method has been specified (see §

int IDAGetSensStats(void *ida_mem, long int *nresSevals, long int *nresevalsS, long int *nSetfails, long int *nlinsetupsS)

The function IDAGetSensStats() returns all of the above sensitivity-related solver statistics as a group.

  • ida_mem – pointer to the IDAS memory block.

  • nresSevals – number of calls to the sensitivity residual function.

  • nresevalsS – number of calls to the user-supplied DAE residual function for sensitivity evaluations.

  • nSetfails – number of error test failures.

  • nlinsetupsS – number of calls to the linear solver setup function.

Return value:
  • IDA_SUCCESS – The optional output values have been successfully set.

  • IDA_MEM_NULL – The ida_mem pointer is NULL.

  • IDA_NO_SENS – Forward sensitivity analysis was not initialized.

int IDAGetSensErrWeights(void *ida_mem, N_Vector *eSweight)

The function IDAGetSensErrWeights() returns the sensitivity error weight vectors at the current time. These are the reciprocals of the \(W_i\) of (6.5) for the sensitivity variables.

  • ida_mem – pointer to the IDAS memory block.

  • eSweight – pointer to the array of error weight vectors.

Return value:
  • IDA_SUCCESS – The optional output value has been successfully set.

  • IDA_MEM_NULL – The ida_mem pointer is NULL.

  • IDA_NO_SENS – Forward sensitivity analysis was not initialized.


The user must allocate memory for eweightS.

int IDAGetSensNumNonlinSolvIters(void *ida_mem, long int *nSniters)

The function IDAGetSensNumNonlinSolvIters() returns the number of nonlinear iterations performed for sensitivity calculations.

  • ida_mem – pointer to the IDAS memory block.

  • nSniters – number of nonlinear iterations performed.

Return value:
  • IDA_SUCCESS – The optional output value has been successfully set.

  • IDA_MEM_NULL – The ida_mem pointer is NULL.

  • IDA_NO_SENS – Forward sensitivity analysis was not initialized.



This counter is incremented only if ism was IDA_STAGGERED or in the call to IDASensInit().

int IDAGetSensNumNonlinSolvConvFails(void *ida_mem, long int *nSncfails)

The function IDAGetSensNumNonlinSolvConvFails() returns the number of nonlinear convergence failures that have occurred for sensitivity calculations.

  • ida_mem – pointer to the IDAS memory block.

  • nSncfails – number of nonlinear convergence failures.

Return value:
  • IDA_SUCCESS – The optional output value has been successfully set.

  • IDA_MEM_NULL – The ida_mem pointer is NULL.

  • IDA_NO_SENS – Forward sensitivity analysis was not initialized.


This counter is incremented only if ism was IDA_STAGGERED or in the call to IDASensInit().

int IDAGetSensNonlinSolvStats(void *ida_mem, long int *nSniters, long int *nSncfails)

The function IDAGetSensNonlinSolvStats() returns the sensitivity-related nonlinear solver statistics as a group.

  • ida_mem – pointer to the IDAS memory block.

  • nSniters – number of nonlinear iterations performed.

  • nSncfails – number of nonlinear convergence failures.

Return value:
  • IDA_SUCCESS – The optional output values have been successfully set.

  • IDA_MEM_NULL – The ida_mem pointer is NULL.

  • IDA_NO_SENS – Forward sensitivity analysis was not initialized.

  • IDA_MEM_FAIL – The SUNNONLINSOL module is NULL. Initial condition calculation optional output functions

The sensitivity consistent initial conditions found by IDAS (after a successful call to IDACalcIC()) can be obtained by calling the following function:

int IDAGetSensConsistentIC(void *ida_mem, N_Vector *yyS0_mod, N_Vector *ypS0_mod)

The function IDAGetSensConsistentIC() returns the corrected initial conditions calculated by IDACalcIC() for sensitivities variables.

  • ida_mem – pointer to the IDAS memory block.

  • yyS0_mod – a pointer to an array of Ns vectors containing consistent sensitivity vectors.

  • ypS0_mod – a pointer to an array of Ns vectors containing consistent sensitivity derivative vectors.

Return value:

If the consistent sensitivity vectors or consistent derivative vectors are not desired, pass NULL for the corresponding argument.


The user must allocate space for yyS0_mod and ypS0_mod (if not NULL). User-supplied routines for forward sensitivity analysis

In addition to the required and optional user-supplied routines described in §, when using IDAS for forward sensitivity analysis, the user has the option of providing a routine that calculates the residual of the sensitivity equations (6.11).

By default, IDAS uses difference quotient approximation routines for the residual of the sensitivity equations. However, IDAS allows the option for user-defined sensitivity residual routines (which also provides a mechanism for interfacing IDAS to routines generated by automatic differentiation).

The user may provide the residuals of the sensitivity equations (6.11) for all sensitivity parameters at once, through a function of type IDASensResFn defined by:

typedef int (*IDASensResFn)(int Ns, sunrealtype t, N_Vector yy, N_Vector yp, N_Vector resval, N_Vector *yS, N_Vector *ypS, N_Vector *resvalS, void *user_data, N_Vector tmp1, N_Vector tmp2, N_Vector tmp3)

This function computes the sensitivity residual for all sensitivity equations. It must compute the vectors \(\left({\partial F}/{\partial y_i}\right)s_i(t) + \left({\partial F}/{\partial \dot y}\right) \dot{s}_i(t) + \left({\partial F}/{\partial p_i}\right)\) and store them in resvalS[i].

  • Ns – is the number of sensitivities.

  • t – is the current value of the independent variable.

  • yy – is the current value of the state vector, \(y(t)\) .

  • yp – is the current value of \(\dot{y}(t)\) .

  • resval – contains the current value \(F\) of the original DAE residual.

  • yS – contains the current values of the sensitivities \(s_i\) .

  • ypS – contains the current values of the sensitivity derivatives \(\dot{s}_i\) .

  • resvalS – contains the output sensitivity residual vectors. Memory allocation for resvalS is handled within IDAS.

  • user_data – is a pointer to user data.

  • tmp1, tmp2, tmp3 – are N_Vector s of length \(N\) which can be used as temporary storage.

Return value:

An IDASensResFn() should return 0 if successful, a positive value if a recoverable error occurred (in which case IDAS will attempt to correct), or a negative value if it failed unrecoverably (in which case the integration is halted and IDA_SRES_FAIL is returned).


There is one situation in which recovery is not possible even if IDASensResFn() function returns a recoverable error flag. That is when this occurs at the very first call to the IDASensResFn(), in which case IDAS returns IDA_FIRST_RES_FAIL. Integration of quadrature equations depending on forward sensitivities

IDAS provides support for integration of quadrature equations that depends not only on the state variables but also on forward sensitivities.

The following is an overview of the sequence of calls in a user’s main program in this situation. Steps that are unchanged from the skeleton program presented in § are grayed out and new or modified steps are in bold. See also §6.4.2.

  1. Initialize parallel or multi-threaded environment, if appropriate

  2. Create the SUNDIALS context object

  3. Set vector of initial values

  4. Create matrix object

  5. Create linear solver object

  6. Set linear solver optional inputs

  7. Create nonlinear solver object

  8. Create IDAS object

  9. Initialize IDAS solver

  10. Specify integration tolerances

  11. Attach linear solver

  12. Set linear solver optional inputs

  13. Attach nonlinear solver

  14. Set nonlinear solver optional inputs

  15. Set sensitivity initial values

  16. Activate sensitivity calculations

  17. Set sensitivity integration tolerances

  18. Create sensitivity nonlinear solver

  19. Attach the sensitivity nonlinear solver

  20. Set sensitivity nonlinear solver optional inputs

  21. Set vector of initial values for quadrature variables

    Typically, the quadrature variables should be initialized to \(0\).

  22. Initialize sensitivity-dependent quadrature integration

    Call IDAQuadSensInit() to specify the quadrature equation right-hand side function and to allocate internal memory related to quadrature integration.

  23. Specify rootfinding problem

  24. Set optional inputs

    Call IDASetQuadSensErrCon() to indicate whether or not quadrature variables should be used in the step size control mechanism. If so, one of the IDAQuadSens*tolerances functions must be called to specify the integration tolerances for quadrature variables. See § for details.

  25. Correct initial values

  26. Advance solution in time

  27. Extract sensitivity solution

  28. Extract sensitivity-dependent quadrature variables

    Call IDAGetQuadSens(), IDAGetQuadSens1(), IDAGetQuadSensDky() or IDAGetQuadSensDky1() to obtain the values of the quadrature variables or their derivatives at the current time.

  29. Get optional outputs

    Call IDAGetQuadSens* functions to obtain optional output related to the integration of sensitivity-dependent quadratures. See § for details.

  30. Destroy objects

  31. Finalize MPI, if used Sensitivity-dependent quadrature initialization and deallocation

The function IDAQuadSensInit() activates integration of quadrature equations depending on sensitivities and allocates internal memory related to these calculations. If rhsQS is input as NULL, then IDAS uses an internal function that computes difference quotient approximations to the functions \(\bar q_i = (\partial q / \partial y) s_i + (\partial q / \partial \dot{y}) \dot{s}_i + \partial q / \partial p_i\), in the notation of (6.10). The form of the call to this function is as follows:

int IDAQuadSensInit(void *ida_mem, IDAQuadSensRhsFn rhsQS, N_Vector *yQS0)

The function IDAQuadSensInit() provides required problem specifications, allocates internal memory, and initializes quadrature integration.

  • ida_mem – pointer to the IDAS memory block returned by IDACreate().

  • rhsQS – is the IDAQuadSensRhsFn function which computes \(f_{QS}\) , the right-hand side of the sensitivity-dependent quadrature equations.

  • yQS0 – contains the initial values of sensitivity-dependent quadratures.

Return value:
  • IDA_SUCCESS – The call to IDAQuadSensInit() was successful.

  • IDA_MEM_NULL – The IDAS memory was not initialized by a prior call to IDACreate().

  • IDA_MEM_FAIL – A memory allocation request failed.

  • IDA_NO_SENS – The sensitivities were not initialized by a prior call to IDASensInit().

  • IDA_ILL_INPUT – The parameter yQS0 is NULL.



Before calling IDAQuadSensInit(), the user must enable the sensitivites by calling IDASensInit(). If an error occurred, IDAQuadSensInit() also sends an error message to the error handler function.

In terms of the number of quadrature variables \(N_q\) and maximum method order maxord, the size of the real workspace is increased as follows:

  • Base value: \(\text{\texttt{lenrw}} = \text{\texttt{lenrw}} + (\text{\texttt{maxord}} + 5) N_q\)

  • If IDAQuadSensSVtolerances() is called: \(\text{\texttt{lenrw}} = \text{\texttt{lenrw}} + N_q N_s\)

and the size of the integer workspace is increased as follows:

  • Base value: \(\text{\texttt{leniw}} = \text{\texttt{leniw}} + (\text{\texttt{maxord}} + 5) N_q\)

  • If IDAQuadSensSVtolerances() is called: \(\text{\texttt{leniw}} = \text{\texttt{leniw}} + N_q N_s\)

The function IDAQuadSensReInit(), useful during the solution of a sequence of problems of same size, reinitializes the quadrature related internal memory and must follow a call to IDAQuadSensInit(). The number Nq of quadratures as well as the number Ns of sensitivities are assumed to be unchanged from the prior call to IDAQuadSensInit(). The call to the IDAQuadSensReInit() function has the form:

int IDAQuadSensReInit(void *ida_mem, N_Vector *yQS0)

The function IDAQuadSensReInit() provides required problem specifications and reinitializes the sensitivity-dependent quadrature integration.

  • ida_mem – pointer to the IDAS memory block.

  • yQS0 – contains the initial values of sensitivity-dependent quadratures.

Return value:
  • IDA_SUCCESS – The call to IDAQuadSensReInit() was successful.

  • IDA_MEM_NULL – The IDAS memory was not initialized by a prior call to IDACreate().

  • IDA_NO_SENS – Memory space for the sensitivity calculation was not allocated by a prior call to IDASensInit().

  • IDA_NO_QUADSENS – Memory space for the sensitivity quadratures integration was not allocated by a prior call to IDAQuadSensInit().

  • IDA_ILL_INPUT – The parameter yQS0 is NULL.


If an error occurred, IDAQuadSensReInit() also sends an error message to the error handler function.

void IDAQuadSensFree(void *ida_mem);

The function IDAQuadSensFree() frees the memory allocated for sensitivity quadrature integration.

  • ida_mem – pointer to the IDAS memory block.

Return value:

There is no return value.


In general, IDAQuadSensFree() need not be called by the user as it is called automatically by IDAFree(). IDAS solver function

Even if quadrature integration was enabled, the call to the main solver function IDASolve() is exactly the same as in §6.4.1. However, in this case the return value flag can also be one of the following:

  • IDA_QSRHS_FAIL – the sensitivity quadrature right-hand side function failed in an unrecoverable manner.

  • IDA_FIRST_QSRHS_ERR – the sensitivity quadrature right-hand side function failed at the first call.

  • IDA_REP_QSRHS_ERR – convergence test failures occurred too many times due to repeated recoverable errors in the quadrature right-hand side function. The IDA_REP_RES_ERR will also be returned if the quadrature right-hand side function had repeated recoverable errors during the estimation of an initial step size (assuming the sensitivity quadrature variables are included in the error tests). Sensitivity-dependent quadrature extraction functions

If sensitivity-dependent quadratures have been initialized by a call to IDAQuadSensInit(), or reinitialized by a call to IDAQuadSensReInit(), then IDAS computes a solution, sensitivities, and quadratures depending on sensitivities at time t. However, IDASolve() will still return only the solutions \(y\) and \(\dot{y}\). Sensitivity-dependent quadratures can be obtained using one of the following functions:

int IDAGetQuadSens(void *ida_mem, sunrealtype *tret, N_Vector *yQS)

The function IDAGetQuadSens() returns the quadrature sensitivity solution vectors after a successful return from IDASolve().

  • ida_mem – pointer to the memory previously allocated by IDAInit().

  • tret – the time reached by the solver output.

  • yQS – array of Ns computed sensitivity-dependent quadrature vectors. This array of vectors must be allocated by the user.

Return value:
  • IDA_SUCCESSIDAGetQuadSens() was successful.

  • IDA_MEM_NULLida_mem was NULL.

  • IDA_NO_SENS – Sensitivities were not activated.

  • IDA_NO_QUADSENS – Quadratures depending on the sensitivities were not activated.

  • IDA_BAD_DKYyQS or one of the yQS[i] is NULL.

The function IDAGetQuadSensDky() computes the k-th derivatives of the interpolating polynomials for the sensitivity-dependent quadrature variables at time t. This function is called by IDAGetQuadSens() with k = 0, but may also be called directly by the user.

int IDAGetQuadSensDky(void *ida_mem, sunrealtype t, int k, N_Vector *dkyQS)

The function IDAGetQuadSensDky() returns derivatives of the quadrature sensitivities solution vectors after a successful return from IDASolve().

  • ida_mem – pointer to the memory previously allocated by IDAInit().

  • t – the time at which information is requested. The time t must fall within the interval defined by the last successful step taken by IDAS.

  • k – order of the requested derivative. k must be in the range \(0, 1, ..., klast\) where \(klast\) is the method order of the last successful step.

  • dkyQS – array of Ns vectors containing the derivatives. This vector array must be allocated by the user.

Return value:
  • IDA_SUCCESSIDAGetQuadSensDky() succeeded.

  • IDA_MEM_NULLida_mem was NULL.

  • IDA_NO_SENS – Sensitivities were not activated.

  • IDA_NO_QUADSENS – Quadratures depending on the sensitivities were not activated.

  • IDA_BAD_DKYdkyQS or one of the vectors dkyQS[i] is NULL.

  • IDA_BAD_Kk is not in the range \(0, 1, ..., klast\).

  • IDA_BAD_T – The time t is not in the allowed range.

Quadrature sensitivity solution vectors can also be extracted separately for each parameter in turn through the functions IDAGetQuadSens1 and IDAGetQuadSensDky1, defined as follows:

int IDAGetQuadSens1(void *ida_mem, sunrealtype *tret, int is, N_Vector yQS)

The function IDAGetQuadSens1 returns the is-th sensitivity of quadratures after a successful return from IDASolve().

  • ida_mem – pointer to the memory previously allocated by IDAInit().

  • tret – the time reached by the solver output.

  • is – specifies which sensitivity vector is to be returned \(0\le\) is \(< N_s\).

  • yQS – the computed sensitivity-dependent quadrature vector. This vector must be allocated by the user.

Return value:
  • IDA_SUCCESSIDAGetQuadSens1 was successful.

  • IDA_MEM_NULLida_mem was NULL.

  • IDA_NO_SENS – Forward sensitivity analysis was not initialized.

  • IDA_NO_QUADSENS – Quadratures depending on the sensitivities were not activated.

  • IDA_BAD_IS – The index is is not in the allowed range.


int IDAGetQuadSensDky1(void *ida_mem, sunrealtype t, int k, int is, N_Vector dkyQS)

The function IDAGetQuadSensDky1 returns the k-th derivative of the is-th sensitivity solution vector after a successful return from IDASolve().

  • ida_mem – pointer to the memory previously allocated by IDAInit().

  • t – specifies the time at which sensitivity information is requested. The time t must fall within the interval defined by the last successful step taken by IDAS.

  • k – order of derivative. k must be in the range \(0, 1, ..., klast\) where \(klast\) is the method order of the last successful step.

  • is – specifies the sensitivity derivative vector to be returned \(0\le\) is \(< N_s\).

  • dkyQS – the vector containing the derivative. The space for dkyQS must be allocated by the user.

Return value:
  • IDA_SUCCESSIDAGetQuadDky1 succeeded.

  • IDA_MEM_NULLida_mem was NULL.

  • IDA_NO_SENS – Forward sensitivity analysis was not initialized.

  • IDA_NO_QUADSENS – Quadratures depending on the sensitivities were not activated.


  • IDA_BAD_IS – The index is is not in the allowed range.

  • IDA_BAD_Kk is not in the range \(0, 1, ..., klast\).

  • IDA_BAD_T – The time t is not in the allowed range. Optional inputs for sensitivity-dependent quadrature integration

IDAS provides the following optional input functions to control the integration of sensitivity-dependent quadrature equations.

int IDASetQuadSensErrCon(void *ida_mem, sunbooleantype errconQS)

The function IDASetQuadSensErrCon() specifies whether or not the quadrature variables are to be used in the local error control mechanism. If they are, the user must specify the error tolerances for the quadrature variables by calling IDAQuadSensSStolerances(), IDAQuadSensSVtolerances(), or IDAQuadSensEEtolerances().

  • ida_mem – pointer to the IDAS memory block.

  • errconQS – specifies whether sensitivity quadrature variables are included SUNTRUE or not SUNFALSE in the error control mechanism.

Return value:
  • IDA_SUCCESS – The optional value has been successfully set.

  • IDA_MEM_NULL – The ida_mem pointer is NULL.

  • IDA_NO_SENS – Sensitivities were not activated.

  • IDA_NO_QUADSENS – Quadratures depending on the sensitivities were not activated.


By default, errconQS is set to SUNFALSE.


It is illegal to call IDASetQuadSensErrCon() before a call to IDAQuadSensInit().

If the quadrature variables are part of the step size control mechanism, one of the following functions must be called to specify the integration tolerances for quadrature variables.

int IDAQuadSensSStolerances(void *ida_mem, sunrealtype reltolQS, sunrealtype *abstolQS)

The function IDAQuadSensSStolerances() specifies scalar relative and absolute tolerances.

  • ida_mem – pointer to the IDAS memory block.

  • reltolQS – tolerances is the scalar relative error tolerance.

  • abstolQS – is a pointer to an array containing the Ns scalar absolute error tolerances.

Return value:
  • IDA_SUCCESS – The optional value has been successfully set.

  • IDA_MEM_NULL – The ida_mem pointer is NULL.

  • IDA_NO_SENS – Sensitivities were not activated.

  • IDA_NO_QUADSENS – Quadratures depending on the sensitivities were not activated.

  • IDA_ILL_INPUT – One of the input tolerances was negative.

int IDAQuadSensSVtolerances(void *ida_mem, sunrealtype reltolQS, N_Vector *abstolQS)

The function IDAQuadSensSVtolerances() specifies scalar relative and vector absolute tolerances.

  • ida_mem – pointer to the IDAS memory block.

  • reltolQS – tolerances is the scalar relative error tolerance.

  • abstolQS – is an array of Ns variables of type N_Vector. The N_Vector from abstolS[is] specifies the vector tolerances for is -th quadrature sensitivity.

Return value:
  • IDA_SUCCESS – The optional value has been successfully set.

  • IDA_NO_QUAD – Quadrature integration was not initialized.

  • IDA_MEM_NULL – The ida_mem pointer is NULL.

  • IDA_NO_SENS – Sensitivities were not activated.

  • IDA_NO_QUADSENS – Quadratures depending on the sensitivities were not activated.

  • IDA_ILL_INPUT – One of the input tolerances was negative.

int IDAQuadSensEEtolerances(void *ida_mem)

The function IDAQuadSensEEtolerances() specifies that the tolerances for the sensitivity-dependent quadratures should be estimated from those provided for the pure quadrature variables.

  • ida_mem – pointer to the IDAS memory block.

Return value:
  • IDA_SUCCESS – The optional value has been successfully set.

  • IDA_MEM_NULL – The ida_mem pointer is NULL.

  • IDA_NO_SENS – Sensitivities were not activated.

  • IDA_NO_QUADSENS – Quadratures depending on the sensitivities were not activated.


When IDAQuadSensEEtolerances() is used, before calling IDASolve(), integration of pure quadratures must be initialized (see §6.4.2) and tolerances for pure quadratures must be also specified (see § Optional outputs for sensitivity-dependent quadrature integration

IDAS provides the following functions that can be used to obtain solver performance information related to quadrature integration.

int IDAGetQuadSensNumRhsEvals(void *ida_mem, long int *nrhsQSevals)

The function IDAGetQuadSensNumRhsEvals() returns the number of calls made to the user’s quadrature right-hand side function.

  • ida_mem – pointer to the IDAS memory block.

  • nrhsQSevals – number of calls made to the user’s rhsQS function.

Return value:
  • IDA_SUCCESS – The optional output value has been successfully set.

  • IDA_MEM_NULL – The ida_mem pointer is NULL.

  • IDA_NO_QUADSENS – Sensitivity-dependent quadrature integration has not been initialized.

int IDAGetQuadSensNumErrTestFails(void *ida_mem, long int *nQSetfails)

The function IDAGetQuadSensNumErrTestFails() returns the number of local error test failures due to quadrature variables.

  • ida_mem – pointer to the IDAS memory block.

  • nQSetfails – number of error test failures due to quadrature variables.

Return value:
  • IDA_SUCCESS – The optional output value has been successfully set.

  • IDA_MEM_NULL – The ida_mem pointer is NULL.

  • IDA_NO_QUADSENS – Sensitivity-dependent quadrature integration has not been initialized.

int IDAGetQuadSensErrWeights(void *ida_mem, N_Vector *eQSweight)

The function IDAGetQuadSensErrWeights() returns the quadrature error weights at the current time.

  • ida_mem – pointer to the IDAS memory block.

  • eQSweight – array of quadrature error weight vectors at the current time.

Return value:
  • IDA_SUCCESS – The optional output value has been successfully set.

  • IDA_MEM_NULL – The ida_mem pointer is NULL.

  • IDA_NO_QUADSENS – Sensitivity-dependent quadrature integration has not been initialized.



The user must allocate memory for eQSweight. If quadratures were not included in the error control mechanism (through a call to IDASetQuadSensErrCon() with errconQS=SUNTRUE), IDAGetQuadSensErrWeights() does not set the eQSweight vector.

int IDAGetQuadSensStats(void *ida_mem, long int *nrhsQSevals, long int *nQSetfails)

The function IDAGetQuadSensStats() returns the IDAS integrator statistics as a group.

  • ida_mem – pointer to the IDAS memory block.

  • nrhsQSevals – number of calls to the user’s rhsQS function.

  • nQSetfails – number of error test failures due to quadrature variables.

Return value:
  • IDA_SUCCESS – the optional output values have been successfully set.

  • IDA_MEM_NULL – the ida_mem pointer is NULL.

  • IDA_NO_QUADSENS – Sensitivity-dependent quadrature integration has not been initialized. User-supplied function for sensitivity-dependent quadrature integration

For the integration of sensitivity-dependent quadrature equations, the user must provide a function that defines the residual of those quadrature equations. For the sensitivities of quadratures (6.10) with integrand \(q\), the appropriate residual functions are given by \(\bar{q}_i = {\partial q}/{\partial y} s_i + {\partial q}/{\partial \dot{y}} \dot{s}_i + {\partial q}{\partial p_i}\). This user function must be of type IDAQuadSensRhsFn defined as follows:

typedef int (*IDAQuadSensRhsFn)(int Ns, sunrealtype t, N_Vector yy, N_Vector yp, N_Vector *yyS, N_Vector *ypS, N_Vector rrQ, N_Vector *rhsvalQS, void *user_data, N_Vector tmp1, N_Vector tmp2, N_Vector tmp3)

This function computes the sensitivity quadrature equation right-hand side for a given value of the independent variable \(t\) and state vector \(y\).

  • Ns – is the number of sensitivity vectors.

  • t – is the current value of the independent variable.

  • yy – is the current value of the dependent variable vector, \(y(t)\).

  • yp – is the current value of the dependent variable vector, \(\dot{y}(t)\).

  • yyS – is an array of Ns variables of type N_Vector containing the dependent sensitivity vectors \(s_i\).

  • ypS – is an array of Ns variables of type N_Vector containing the dependent sensitivity derivatives \(\dot{s}_i\).

  • rrQ – is the current value of the quadrature right-hand side \(q\).

  • rhsvalQS – contains the Ns output vectors.

  • user_data – is the user_data pointer passed to IDASetUserData().

  • tmp1, tmp2, tmp3 – are N_Vector s which can be used as temporary storage.

Return value:

An IDAQuadSensRhsFn should return 0 if successful, a positive value if a recoverable error occurred (in which case IDAS will attempt to correct), or a negative value if it failed unrecoverably (in which case the integration is halted and IDA_QRHS_FAIL is returned).


Allocation of memory for rhsvalQS is automatically handled within IDAS.

Both yy and yp are of type N_Vector and both yyS and ypS are pointers to an array containing Ns vectors of type N_Vector. It is the user’s responsibility to access the vector data consistently (including the use of the correct accessor macros from each N_Vector implementation).

There is one situation in which recovery is not possible even if IDAQuadSensRhsFn function returns a recoverable error flag. That is when this occurs at the very first call to the IDAQuadSensRhsFn, in which case IDAS returns IDA_FIRST_QSRHS_ERR). Note on using partial error control

For some problems, when sensitivities are excluded from the error control test, the behavior of IDAS may appear at first glance to be erroneous. One would expect that, in such cases, the sensitivity variables would not influence in any way the step size selection.

The short explanation of this behavior is that the step size selection implemented by the error control mechanism in IDAS is based on the magnitude of the correction calculated by the nonlinear solver. As mentioned in §, even with partial error control selected in the call to IDASensInit(), the sensitivity variables are included in the convergence tests of the nonlinear solver.

When using the simultaneous corrector method §6.2.6, the nonlinear system that is solved at each step involves both the state and sensitivity equations. In this case, it is easy to see how the sensitivity variables may affect the convergence rate of the nonlinear solver and therefore the step size selection. The case of the staggered corrector approach is more subtle. The sensitivity variables at a given step are computed only once the solver for the nonlinear state equations has converged. However, if the nonlinear system corresponding to the sensitivity equations has convergence problems, IDAS will attempt to improve the initial guess by reducing the step size in order to provide a better prediction of the sensitivity variables. Moreover, even if there are no convergence failures in the solution of the sensitivity system, IDAS may trigger a call to the linear solver’s setup routine which typically involves reevaluation of Jacobian information (Jacobian approximation in the case of matrix-based linear solvers, or preconditioner data in the case of the Krylov solvers). The new Jacobian information will be used by subsequent calls to the nonlinear solver for the state equations and, in this way, potentially affect the step size selection.

When using the simultaneous corrector method it is not possible to decide whether nonlinear solver convergence failures or calls to the linear solver setup routine have been triggered by convergence problems due to the state or the sensitivity equations. When using one of the staggered corrector methods, however, these situations can be identified by carefully monitoring the diagnostic information provided through optional outputs. If there are no convergence failures in the sensitivity nonlinear solver, and none of the calls to the linear solver setup routine were made by the sensitivity nonlinear solver, then the step size selection is not affected by the sensitivity variables.

Finally, the user must be warned that the effect of appending sensitivity equations to a given system of DAEs on the step size selection (through the mechanisms described above) is problem-dependent and can therefore lead to either an increase or decrease of the total number of steps that IDAS takes to complete the simulation. At first glance, one would expect that the impact of the sensitivity variables, if any, would be in the direction of increasing the step size and therefore reducing the total number of steps. The argument for this is that the presence of the sensitivity variables in the convergence test of the nonlinear solver can only lead to additional iterations (and therefore a smaller iteration error), or to additional calls to the linear solver setup routine (and therefore more up-to-date Jacobian information), both of which will lead to larger steps being taken by IDAS. However, this is true only locally. Overall, a larger integration step taken at a given time may lead to step size reductions at later times, due to either nonlinear solver convergence failures or error test failures.