4.5. CVODES Constants
Below we list all input and output constants used by the main solver and linear solver modules, together with their numerical values and a short description of their meaning.
4.5.1. CVODES input constants
CVODES main solver module |
1 |
Adams-Moulton linear multistep method. |
2 |
BDF linear multistep method. |
1 |
Solver returns at specified output time. |
2 |
Solver returns after each successful step. |
1 |
Simultaneous corrector forward sensitivity method. |
2 |
Staggered corrector forward sensitivity method. |
3 |
Staggered (variant) corrector forward sensitivity method. |
1 |
Central difference quotient approximation (\(2^{nd}\) order) of the sensitivity RHS. |
2 |
Forward difference quotient approximation (\(1^{st}\) order) of the sensitivity RHS. |
CVODES adjoint solver module |
1 |
Use Hermite interpolation. |
2 |
Use variable-degree polynomial interpolation. |
Iterative linear solver modules |
0 |
No preconditioning |
1 |
Preconditioning on the left only. |
2 |
Preconditioning on the right only. |
3 |
Preconditioning on both the left and the right. |
1 |
Use modified Gram-Schmidt procedure. |
2 |
Use classical Gram-Schmidt procedure. |
4.5.2. CVODES output constants
CVODES main solver module |
0 |
Successful function return. |
1 |
2 |
99 |
-1 |
The solver took |
-2 |
The solver could not satisfy the accuracy demanded by the user for some internal step. |
-3 |
Error test failures occurred too many times during one internal time step or minimum step size was reached. |
-4 |
Convergence test failures occurred too many times during one internal time step or minimum step size was reached. |
-5 |
The linear solver’s initialization function failed. |
-6 |
The linear solver’s setup function failed in an unrecoverable manner. |
-7 |
The linear solver’s solve function failed in an unrecoverable manner. |
-8 |
The right-hand side function failed in an unrecoverable manner. |
-9 |
The right-hand side function failed at the first call. |
-10 |
The right-hand side function had repeated recoverable errors. |
-11 |
The right-hand side function had a recoverable error, but no recovery is possible. |
-12 |
The rootfinding function failed in an unrecoverable manner. |
-13 |
The nonlinear solver’s init routine failed. |
-14 |
The nonlinear solver’s setup routine failed. |
-15 |
The inequality constraints were violated and the solver was unable to recover. |
-20 |
A memory allocation failed. |
-21 |
The |
-22 |
One of the function inputs is illegal. |
-23 |
The CVODE memory block was not allocated by a
call to |
-24 |
The derivative order \(k\) is larger than the order used. |
-25 |
The time \(t\) is outside the last step taken. |
-26 |
The output derivative vector is |
-27 |
The output and initial times are too close to each other. |
-30 |
Quadrature integration was not activated. |
-31 |
The quadrature right-hand side function failed in an unrecoverable manner. |
-32 |
The quadrature right-hand side function failed at the first call. |
-33 |
The quadrature ight-hand side function had repeated recoverable errors. |
-34 |
The quadrature right-hand side function had a recoverable error, but no recovery is possible. |
-40 |
Forward sensitivity integration was not activated. |
-41 |
The sensitivity right-hand side function failed in an unrecoverable manner. |
-42 |
The sensitivity right-hand side function failed at the first call. |
-43 |
The sensitivity ight-hand side function had repeated recoverable errors. |
-44 |
The sensitivity right-hand side function had a recoverable error, but no recovery is possible. |
-45 |
The sensitivity index is larger than the number of sensitivities computed. |
-50 |
Forward sensitivity integration was not activated. |
-51 |
The sensitivity right-hand side function failed in an unrecoverable manner. |
-52 |
The sensitivity right-hand side function failed at the first call. |
-53 |
The sensitivity ight-hand side function had repeated recoverable errors. |
-54 |
The sensitivity right-hand side function had a recoverable error, but no recovery is possible. |
-55 |
The |
-56 |
The projection memory was |
-57 |
The projection function failed in an unrecoverable manner. |
-58 |
The projection function had repeated recoverable errors. |
CVODES adjoint solver module |
-101 |
Adjoint module was not initialized. |
-102 |
The forward integration was not yet performed. |
-103 |
No backward problem was specified. |
-104 |
The final time for the adjoint problem is outside the interval over which the forward problem was solved. |
-105 |
Reinitialization of the forward problem failed at the first checkpoint. |
-106 |
An error occurred during the integration of the forward problem. |
-107 |
Wrong time in interpolation function. |
CVLS linear solver interface |
0 |
Successful function return. |
-1 |
The |
-2 |
The CVLS linear solver has not been initialized. |
-3 |
The CVLS solver is not compatible with the
current |
-4 |
A memory allocation request failed. |
-5 |
The preconditioner module has not been initialized. |
-6 |
The Jacobian function failed in an unrecoverable manner. |
-7 |
The Jacobian function had a recoverable error. |
-8 |
An error occurred with the current |
-9 |
An error occurred with the current |
-101 |
The combined forward-backward problem has not been initialized. |
-102 |
The linear solver was not initialized for the backward phase. |
CVDIAG linear solver module |
0 |
Successful function return. |
-1 |
The |
-2 |
The CVDIAG linear solver has not been initialized. |
-3 |
The CVDIAG solver is not compatible with the
current |
-4 |
A memory allocation request failed. |
-5 |
A diagonal element of the Jacobian was 0. |
-6 |
The right-hand side function failed in an unrecoverable manner. |
-7 |
The right-hand side function had a recoverable error. |
-101 |
The combined forward-backward problem has not been initialized. |