2.4.2. Using the ARKStep time-stepping module

This chapter is concerned with the use of the ARKStep time-stepping module for the solution of initial value problems (IVPs) in a C or C++ language setting. The following sections discuss the header files and the layout of the user’s main program, and provide descriptions of the ARKStep user-callable functions and user-supplied functions.

The example programs located in the source code examples/arkode folder, including those described in the companion document [99], may be helpful as templates for new codes.

Users with applications written in Fortran should see the chapter §1.9, which describes the Fortran/C interface module for ARKStep, and may look to the Fortran example programs also provided in the ARKODE examples directory.

The user should be aware that not all SUNLINSOL, SUNMATRIX, and preconditioning modules are compatible with all NVECTOR implementations. Details on compatibility are given in the documentation for each SUNMATRIX (see §9) and each SUNLINSOL module (see §10). For example, NVECTOR_PARALLEL is not compatible with the dense, banded, or sparse SUNMATRIX types, or with the corresponding dense, banded, or sparse SUNLINSOL modules. Please check §9 and §10 to verify compatibility between these modules. In addition to that documentation, we note that the ARKBANDPRE preconditioning module is only compatible with the NVECTOR_SERIAL, NVECTOR_OPENMP or NVECTOR_PTHREADS vector implementations, and the preconditioner module ARKBBDPRE can only be used with NVECTOR_PARALLEL.

ARKStep uses various input and output constants from the shared ARKODE infrastructure. These are defined as needed in this chapter, but for convenience the full list is provided separately in §2.7.

The relevant information on using ARKStep’s C and C++ interfaces is detailed in the following subsections.