2.4.1. Access to library and header files

At this point, it is assumed that the installation of ARKODE, following the procedure described in §1.1, has been completed successfully. In the proceeding text, the directories libdir and incdir are the installation library and include directories, respectively. For a default installation, these are instdir/lib and instdir/include, respectively, where instdir is the directory where SUNDIALS was installed.

Regardless of where the user’s application program resides, its associated compilation and load commands must make reference to the appropriate locations for the library and header files required by ARKODE. ARKODE symbols are found in libdir/libsundials_arkode.lib. Thus, in addition to linking to libdir/libsundials_core.lib, ARKODE users need to link to the ARKODE library. Symbols for additional SUNDIALS modules, vectors and algebraic solvers, are found in


The file extension .lib is typically .so for shared libraries and .a for static libraries.

The relevant header files for ARKODE are located in the subdirectories incdir/include/arkode. To use ARKODE the application needs to include the header file(s) for the ARKODE time-stepper(s) of choice in addition to the SUNDIALS core header file.

#include <sundials/sundials_core.h> // Provides core SUNDIALS types
#include <arkode/arkode_erkstep.h>  // ERKStep provides explicit RK methods.
#include <arkode/arkode_arkstep.h>  // ARKStep provides explicit, implicit, IMEX additive RK methods.
#include <arkode/arkode_mristep.h>  // MRIStep provides mutlirate RK methods.
#include <arkode/arkode_sprkstep.h> // SPRKStep provides symplectic partition RK methods.

Each of these define several types and various constants, include function prototypes, and include the shared arkode/arkode.h and arkode/arkode_ls.h header files. No other header files are required to be included, but there are optional ones that can be included as necessary. Information on optional headers is given in the relevant documentation section.

The calling program must also include an N_Vector implementation header file, of the form nvector/nvector_*.h. See §8 for the appropriate name.

If the user includes a non-trivial implicit component to their ODE system in ARKStep, or if the slow time scale for MRIStep should be treated implicitly, then each implicit stage will require a nonlinear solver for the resulting system of algebraic equations – the default for this is a modified or inexact Newton iteration, depending on the user’s choice of linear solver. If choosing to set which nonlinear solver module, or when interacting with a SUNNonlinearSolver module directly, the calling program must also include a SUNNonlinearSolver header file, of the form sunnonlinsol/sunnonlinsol_***.h where *** is the name of the nonlinear solver module (see §11 for more information).

If using a nonlinear solver that requires the solution of a linear system of the form \(\mathcal{A}x=b\) (e.g., the default Newton iteration), then a linear solver module header file will also be required. Similarly, if the ODE system in ARKStep involves a non-identity mass matrix \(M \ne I\), then each time step will require a linear solver for systems of the form \(Mx=b\). In this case it will be necessary to include the header file for a SUNLinearSolver solver, which is of the form sunlinsol/sunlinsol_***.h (see §10 for more information).

If the linear solver is matrix-based, the linear solver header will also include a header file of the from sunmatrix/sunmatrix_*.h where * is the name of the matrix implementation compatible with the linear solver (see §9 for more information).

Other headers may be needed, according to the choice of preconditioner, etc. For example, if preconditioning for an iterative linear solver were performed using the ARKBBDPRE module, the header arkode/arkode_bbdpre.h is needed to access the preconditioner initialization routines.